Concealer is a must have for me because i have this very heavy black under eye circle. Ya lah, if you sleep late everyday, then you gonna be like me, looks tired even when you are not.
This concealer was tagged for a cheap price $1, in USA and my junior kindly brought back this for me. So, i literally pay only 9000 rupiahs for concealer. 9000?? Cheap!! yah i know, this never happen in my life before too hahaha
My shade is rosy beige and it comes with a clear plastic packaging like this. Not very cute lha, but it is practical. This way i can see how much product left inside.
What i like about this:
- Feels light on my face
- Easy to blend. Very easy, actually
- It doesn`t break me out
- Somehow acts as higlighter too, it brightens my face a little bit
What i dont like about ELF Tone correcting concealer:
- Just a sheer coverage
- Does not cover my under eye circle well
- Can be a little greasy sometimes
- The staying power is so so, around 4 hours.
I use this on my natural make up tutorial "Just enough glow". Though does not cover as much, this baby gives you radiant skin, that is why i still keeping it hehehe.
Final verdict: 3/5
Repurchase: No, lha, i want to try another concealer
By the way,
I am joining circlelenses giveaways. I hope i can win ya hahaha because i do not own any circle lens, yet i am too coward to try one. Poking my own eyes to put on the lenses seems to scary hehehe. But yeah, i really wish that i could have one to try. If you want to join the giveaways, there are two

Good luck girls!
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