Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Slice of Life: AFS Christmas Party

26 Dec
AFS Bina Antar Budaya Chapter Surabaya CHRISTMAS PARTY
What a blast! Hehehe I got to meet my wonderful friends here. Having christmas photos taken, exchange gift, ate delicious food, played games, and shared our life together. AFS Chapter Surabaya is not like any other organization. It is a non profit, volunteer based organization and also a circle of wonderful people join together to make a better world. Hehehe well, “better world” does sounds dreamy, too high. But it does happen here. My world is better after I got inspired by my seniors, met my Jambos friends ( Aini, puchenk, and my batch 07 -08’s friends), AFS friends, and not to mention our community services. So, if you wanna grow, learn and make friends, you should join us J
Here are preview of our christmas party

After Party 

Nyam - nyam - nyam



Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Slice of Life: A blast on Christmas days

22 Dec
I love December, especially this year! It is not merely because it is a holiday season, but it brings a lot happiness into my life. Hmm, I gotta share with u about how I spend my christmas days. I went back to Mojokerto for several days. I was in hurry because I wasn’t planning on going there. I was planning to stay in Surabaya and preparing for my project. But then, my bestfriends Harry and Deviana called. They wanted to give me a ride home. I was going to politely object, but my sister called me and said that she needed me. So I hurried home.
Harry and Kupi, those who kindly give me a ride home hehehehe
I brought a huge travel bag to home. Do you know what is inside? Make up, make up, and make up. Hahahaha. I brought it along for a good cause, you know, because in christmas service, there would be many performances, yet we always lacked of good make up artists. So, I brought these for my fellow dancers.


Jingle Bell Dance

Modern Dance

Rudolph the rednose reindeer Dance

Beautiful Candlelight Service

Big Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Dance

Most of the time I stay in Surabaya. I rarely go back home, especially after I have good and promising jobs here. I am focusing my time to work and study.  Well, choice has consequence, isnt it? Yes, I am advancing so much, but I am also letting go the joy of dancing for God, being with my best friends, servitude in church, being with my family, and being “kancil”

Kancil is my childhood name, it is a name that my friends use to call me. In english it means a deer. They call me that because I am so active,slender, bouncy, and full of ideas. I mentioned earlier about Deviana and Harry right? Hehehe, they also had nickname deviana is kupy and harry is harrot. Well, I think everybody in my little circle has their lovely nickname.
23 Dec
The christmas service started at 5, but I came at 3 to do some make up for my friends. Everybody were surprised with my appearance. Hehehe they thought I was going to stay in Surabaya for christmas. They greeted me like a family, and they also said that I have changed a lot. More beautiful and chubbier ( a pleasant way to say that I had gained weight hahaha). They also surprised that I can do make up J hahaha. My seniors at church, asked me to do make up again next year for Easter and Christmas . Wooo, I just got a new way to serve God. I am sorry I didn’t take pictures and put them as our make up tutorial. The time was tight, I was busy doing their make up. When they were off stage, their make up pretty much smeared because of the heat, and the dance itself.
These below are pictures of my banner creative ministry friends
Banner Creative Ministry


Except this hehehe, Three generations: My gram, my mom, and me. Do u see any resemblance? I do

Banner Coaches

After the christmas service, we went to KFC talked a lot. Then, continued our conversation at karaoke. Hahahaha it was fun! We sang together. One of of the song was Adele – someone like you, we totally nailed it. We sang emotionally, let our exhaustion out, and laughed together afterwards. Hahahaha.

24 Dec
Next day, I went to church again. We had our second christmas service. This time I served as a flag dancer. Once again I felt tears and touch for the honor that God had given to me to serve him. I serve God too in Surabaya, but the feel is not the same. I was growing up in this church. When the first time I knew God, served him, met my bestfriends, achieved my dream to USA, everything had happened when I was in this church. Yeah, When I delivered my prayer here. So, when I danced, it brought back memories, it reminded me how good is my God, and how I am nothing without him. Despite of the fast advancement that I enjoy now, everything was started here with prayer and faith to God. I owe Him. A lot.

Hmm, after service,my friend Kupy and Harrot had meetings, we took pictures and we went to Beda Rasa restaurant. Hmmmm, I ate a real delicious grilled fish! Yummmmmmmm!

25 Dec
Waaa Christmas day! Hehehe, we had a barbeque party at Kupy`s house. Nothing fancy, but it meant a lot for me. Laughter, fondness, happyness, blend together.For the first time I brought my cousin, Christoper along. Hehehe I wanted him to know my friends and mingled with them. He enjoyed the party so much. We cooked together a vast variety of food, spagheti, barbeque meat, grilled corn, tofu meatball, barbeque sausage, potato wedges, and many else. Too many. I just remember I went home with a full tummy, smelly shirt, and big smile.
Sorry, I didn’t take a lot of picture J I was busy grilling corn and eating hahahaha

Grill grill grill

Watching KPOP streaming 

Kupy is cooking too

26 Dec

It is time to go home, pals! Back to Surabaya and get to work on the project. Jia youuuu!

Slice of life :Cultural Event: Raff Dance Company Annual Traditional Dance Show

Yesterday, on 29th I went to City of Tomorrow Mall for watching the annual dance show. I enjoyed variety of dances, from Kelelawar (Bat) Dance, Kasomber Dance, Pasaran Dance, and many else. I was so glad when I saw many children and youths performed on the dance show. It meant one thing, they were still interested in our traditional arts. On my interview with one of the coach, she sadly said that nowadays, I might see a lot of kids, but when they grew up, only a few of them would stay. Most of them would be more interested on modern dance, or even gave up on dancing. Huaa, dear readers, if you are a traditional dancer, please dont give it up! 

On my observations, there were many changes in traditional dance now and many years ago. Now is more colorful, mostly contemporary traditional dance, with some of modern dance moves blend together with traditional moves. Besides that, the song is not fully javanese, there are some parts of the song when they used Bahasa Indonesia, to make the meaning more apparent to the audiences. Hmmm, and one more thing, the clothes are prettier, with many vibrant colors and sparkling accessories. I was expecting classical traditional dance like Remo dance yesterday. But, my expectation was off, hehehe. But, still I enjoyed the show J. It was fun, I got to see the beauty of Indonesian cultural dance. Let`s preserve it together!
Bat dance

Pasaran Dance

Random Banner Hehehe

Jegayu Manik Dance

REVIEW : Wardah Matte Lipstick ( Nuddish Peach)

Hai teman – teman J Hari ini aku mau nge-review lipstik baru, wardah matte lipstick no 20. Nuddish Peach. Pertama kali waktu beli ini sempat ragu sih, takut kalau warnanya dan kualitasnya kurang bagus, tapi aku beli aja, soalnya lagi diskon hahahaha. Eniwei, setelah dicoba, ternyata warnanya bagus, men! Malah aku lebih suka lippie ini daripada revlon colorburstku. Warna wardah lebih terang, lebih ndak pucat di wajah, dan sekali usap langsung keliatan warnanya

Nah ini packagingnya, aku suka karena warnanya silver, cukup standar sih. Ya, ga malu – maluin lah kalau dibawa J. Seperti lipstik – lipstik yang lainnya, kemasannya menggunakan sistem putar.

Soal warna, tokcerrr! Hehehe ini dia swatch nya

Dalam ruangan terang

Dalam ruangan gelap

Nah, kalau dipakai di bibir hasilnya seperti ini

Sebelum pake lipstik

Sesudah pake lipstik (hanya satu kali usap )

Ketika dipakai, warnanya langsung “keluar”. Tapi bikin bibir agak kering hehehe, jadi jangan lupa pake lip balm sebelum pake lipstik ini. Daya tahannya biasa – biasa aja sih, sekitar tiga jam lha, kalau ga makan apa – apa
Saranku nih, sebelum pake lipstik ini, waktu gosok gigi, bibirnya disikat juga supaya lebih lembut. Kalau bibirmu kering, lipstik ini nggak bisa “blend” atau menyatu dengan sempurna.

Final look. Btw, sorry ya, ini aku mau tidur hehehe, jadi ga pake make  up sama sekali, cuma coba lipstik wardah aja. Sorry kalo kucel wakakakak

+ Warnanya bagus
+ Harga terjangkau
+ Daya tahan lumayan

-          Bikin bibir agak kering
Rating : 4/5
Repurchase? Yep, another color