Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Beauty Chica Giveaway Winner

Holaa Chicas!
Thanks for participating on my little giveaway.
I am so blessed with every comment that you posted here
They are all remind me to be GRATEFUL EVERYDAY.

Now that the giveaway has ended,
I hope we can always look through our life once a while
To be thankful for everything that God has done to us

I congratulate Miss Reza Aditayanti for winning this giveaway
Please reply my email within 1 x 24 hours
Otherwise i will have to pick another winner

If you have not win, don`t be sad
Just pray that i become rich anytime soon to held another giveaway
No lha, i will have one sometime around next month

So stay tuned ladies!


Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Beauty Diary: Bronzey

Walaupun di luar mendung dan hujan terus,
Wajah kita tetep nggak boleh kusam dan pucat dong ^^.
Mesti tetep cantik kayak model di bawah ini .

Model ini pake bronzer, makanya wajahnya terlihat segar, sun tanned. 
Nah, terinspirasi dari gaya make up ini, hari ini aku main make up lagi. Judulnya bronzey.

Bahan - bahan
- Bobbi Brown Shimmering Brick
- Etude House Oh my Eyeline 
- MUA Undressed pallete
- Revlon Colorburst in Soft Nude
- Silky girl lipstick in Nude

dan bahan utama:
- Face on face nourishing powder in Tropical Beige
- Face on face blush on in Natural glow


Naaa, kemaren aku dapet bedak two way yang kegelapan di wajah.
Kebetulah nih! Untuk tampilan sun tanned kayak gini, aku bakal perlu bedak yang two tones lebih gelap dari warna kulitku. 

Nah basahi spongenya dulu dan dengan sponge basah kita usap bedak two way cake ini supaya coveragenya lebih maksimal. Wajahku yang putih pucet langsung jadi "berwarna" dengan bedak ini. Nah setelah itu aku pulas blush on Natural glow di sepanjang tulang pipi.


Atas: Pake Bobbi Brown Shimmering Brick, aku pulas warna nomor tiga dari atas ke seluruh kelopak mata

Kemudian, pake warna coklat tua yang paling bawah dari Bobbi Brown, aku pulas di sudut luar mata. Kemudian baurkan pelan - pelan

Kemudian, dengan MUA Undressed, aku ambil shade warna coklat tergelap dan dipulas lagi di sudut luar. Aku baurkan ke arah depan dan atas.

Terakhir, aku pake highlight warna putih di tulang alis, pasang stiker mata, dan pasang bulu mata palsu. Jadiiii! Kira - kira begini riasan matanya ( lihat gambar bawah)

Terakhir, aku pulas lipstik nude dari Revlon, ditimpa dengan lipstik Silkygirl
Untuk efek bronzey a.k.a beach make up yang lebih maksi, aku tambahkan shimmering brick Bobbi Brown ke area - area yang bakal ketimpa cahaya.

Taraaaa walaupun cuaca mendung, wajah tetap sehat bercahaya!

Nah buat kalian yang pengen tahu lebih lanjut tentang face on face
Boleh klik facebook dan twitter mereka.
Adminnya baik dan ada status - status baru setiap hari.

See you chicas,

Face on face Two Way Foundation Powder in Tropical Beige

Selain dapat blush on Natural Glow yang cantik, 
aku juga dapat two way foundation powder yang cantik rupawan

Harga : 28000 rupiah ( harga bisa berbeda tergantung tempat pembelian)

Packagingnya cantik, warna pink. Sayangnya tempat bedak ini agak bulky alias bongsor.
Alhasil, bedak ini jadi agak susah untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kotak kosmetik.
Packagingnya lumayan, nggak gampang pecah dan kotak bedak Face on Face ku yang lama juga belum pecah dan baik - baik aja sampe sekarang.

Aku suka packagingnya karena ada tempat tersembunyi buat spons putih ini.
Jadi kumannya ga langsung kena ke bedaknya hehehe
Sponsnya juga lembut dan enak dipake.
Ga kasar di muka  ^^

Apalagi tempat sponsnya ini ada bolong - bolongnya.
Jadi waktu kita basahin sponge untuk coverage yang lebih tebel,
sponge nya bisa kering sendiri walaupun disimpan di dalam kotak bedak

Shade yang aku dapet Tropical Beige yang mana shade tergelap yang ada di bedak Face on face
Walaupun shadenya nggak cocok, aku tetep bisa memakai bedak ini sebagai bedak buat konturing.
Tujuannya supaya wajahku keliatan lebih langsing dan proporsional.

Bedak ini menyerbuk atau powdery. Gak banyak sih, tapi kita mesti hati - hati pakenya supaya meja rias kita ga kotor. Hasilnya natural dengan matte finish. Aku juga suka teksturnya yang lembut dan mengandung hyaluronic acid. 

Selama dipake, bisa tahan 3 - 4 jam di ruang ac sebelum bedak ini beroksidasi alias tambah gelap.
Coveragenya medium, cukup bisa meratakan rona wajah, tapi kamu butuh concealer untuk menutupi jerawat. Kalau pengen coverage yang lebih tebal, kamu bisa basahi spongenya terlebih dahulu.

Nih, narsis narsisan dulu yee :)


Aku suka bedak ini karena nggak tebel dan terasa ringan di muka. 
Ngebersihinnya juga gampang. Di dalamnya juga terkandung hyaluronic acid. 
Jadi tambah suka lha. Cuma, karena staying powernya kurang, aku ga pernah pake bedak ini di muka sendirian. Biasanya kubawa kemana - mana buat touch up. Nah paginya aku pake BB Cream dan loose powdernya :). 

Rating 4/5
Repurchase? Yes

Mau tau face on face lebih lanjut?
Klik facebook page dan
Klik twitter nya 


Face on face Blush on in Natural Glow Review

Satu lagi warna cantik ditambahkan di koleksi blush onku ^.^
Kali ini dari Face on Face shade Natural Glow
Sebenernya aku punya shade Blooming Rose dan blush on Blooming Rose ini sukses nangkring di chart Blush On favoritku tahun 2012. 
Nah gimana dengan Natural Glow? Will i like it?
Let`s see...

Harga: 27.000 rupiah
Berat: 3,5 gram



Packagingnya lucu! Pink, kecil dan imut, cocok kalo diajak traveling.
Dijatuhin juga ga pecah, cukup kuat lha. Tempatnya kelihatan bagus dengan tutup mika bening,


Cantik, yah? Gak kalah cantik sama Blooming Rose.
Hasilnya peachy dan matte jadi bakal keliatan natural untuk sehari - hari.
Butirannya juga halus jadi gampang dibaur dan kalau ngerasa kurang "jreng",
blush on ini bisa ditambahkan tanpa keliatan berat.
Kalau dipake lumayan tahan lama juga, 3 - 4 jam tetap tahan di wajah
Apalagi kalau di ruang AC, bisa tahan lebih lama.


Blush on ini C.A.N.T.IK.
Aku suka dan keliatan bagus kalo dipake :)
Harganya terjangkau dan kualitasnya bagus.
Cintaaa deh!

Rating 5/5

Mau tau tentang face on face indonesia?


Beauty Diary: My Sweet Orange

Aloha teman - teman ^^
Kemarin pak pos datang ke kos dan bawain aku paket dari Face on face
Isinya blush on sama bedak two way cake
Seneng banget deh! Nah, ini hasil maen - maen make upnya ^^.
Temanya My Sweet Orange, soalnya aku pake warna oranye di mata pipi dan bibir.

Bahan make up :
- Etude House Oh my Eyeline
- Etude House Dear darling Aloha Tint
- Maybelline Natural Eyebrow in Charcoal
- Maskara Silky girl Eyeopener
- Blush On Face on Face Natural glow buat eyeshadow dan blush on
- Two Way Cake Face on Face Vanilla Beige buat wajah
- Two Way Cake Face on Face Tropical Beige buat konturing

Yuk mari ke step by step make upnya.
Mulai dari make up MATA dulu yaaaa...

Atas: Sapukan warna peachy orange dari blush on ke seluruh kelopak mata,
karena aku ga punya lipetan mata, aku buka mata dan pastiin dulu kalau warnanya disapu setidaknya setengah cm dari  garis mata atas. :P
Bawah: Kalau udah dipastiin kelihatan waktu buka mata, aku baurin eyeshadownya.

Atas: Selanjutnya, aku bikin garis pake eyeliner untuk mempertegas mataku yang sipit.
Eyelinernya ditarik agak melebihi garis luar mata supaya matanya keliatan agak gedean dikit.
Bawah: Rapiin alis mata dengan pensil alis. Usahakan dibuat agak tebel supaya keliatan lebih muda.

Atas: Jepit bulu mata dan kasih maskara. 
Bawah: Nah kira - kira begini deh hasil eye make up nya :)

Atas: Pulas blush on ke puncak pipi. Usahakan agak dramatis supaya ada efek "dolly".
Waktu pertama dipulas mungkin bakal keliatan medok kayak Jeng Kelin, 
tapi santai aja, putar - putar kuas blush on nya ke arah tulang pipi sampai blush on terbaur sempurna.
Bawah: Nah, sekarang kita ambil Face on face Tropical Beige. Bedak ini sangat gelap buat kulitku, jadi kupakai buat konturing wajah. Caranya gampang, ambil bedak secukupnya dan pulas dengan gerakan memutar di sepanjang garis rahang. Dipulas juga tipis di sisi hidung supaya hidung keliatan agak mancung.

Atas: Bibirnya aku pake lip tint dan warnanya aku konsentrasikan di bagian tengah bibir.
Bawah: Nah, make upnya udah jadi. Seger kan ^^ *wink wink*

Selamat mencoba ya, teman - teman 

P.S. buat yang pengen lebih tahu tentang Face on face, ditunggu ya reviewku ^^
atau boleh juga liat review dan tutorialku yang dulu di sini.

Di mana bisa nemu face on face?
Facebook: Face on Face


Senin, 28 Januari 2013

PGH Photo Fair Speaker Series #3: Tom Gitterman at Mattress Factory February 13th.

Next up in the PGH Photo Fair Speaker Series, Tom Gitterman will share his expert knowledge and experience on collecting photography in a talk at The Mattress Factory Art Museum. Some of you may remember Mr. Gitterman from his participation in last year’s fair, and the wealth of exquisite prints he had on offer from the mid 20th century to the present day.

Through a hands on presentation with dozens of examples, Mr. Gitterman will demonstrate various ways that a photograph can be valued, what to look for when considering a print for purchase, and sharing key components of different photographic processes. This will be a very interactive event – more of a seminar – with audience members encouraged to handle and personally view matted prints that Mr. Gitterman has brought to illustrate his discussion.

“The overall goal in my talk is to give greater confidence to those thinking about collecting,” Gitterman says, “by providing them with questions to ask when considering buying for themselves, and by giving them specific examples of what to look for.” In addition to over 20 years of experience in the fine art photography world, Gitterman brings an infectious passion to his work at Gitterman Gallery in New York City, where he handles a range of style and periods that span the range of the medium’s history.

The talk will be held at TheMattress Factory, 500 Sampsonia Way, on Wednesday, February 13, 2013. Join us for refreshments at 6:30pm followed by our talk at 7pm. This event is free and open to the public.  

For those of you new to this blog, PGH Photo Fair, through the auspices of Fugitive Vision, LLC, is sponsoring six talks on photography at a variety of venues in Pittsburgh on the 2nd Wednesday of every month leading up to the fair this Spring. The series aims to augment the already rich art and photography scene in Pittsburgh with speakers who will focus on the state of the art, collecting, and connoisseurship.

A few weeks ago, we welcomed Deborah Bell, the Vice President Specialist of the Photographs Department at Christie's Auction House in New York City. Ms. Bell graciously shared highlights from recent and upcoming auctions and answered audience questions about her experiences at one of the world’s largest auction houses.  We were delighted to have a full house and hope to see another good turnout for our 3rd event with Mr. Gitterman.

Jordana Blush on in Touch of Pink Review

I can not get enough with blush. Seriously! 
No matter how i much i own, when i see a cute blush available i want it..
That is the art of a blusher junkie, though i have only a pair of cheek,
Having them appear in different colors everyday is a bliss hehehe

So, anyhow, this is one of my blush on splurge!
Jordana Blush on in Touch of Pink

Price: 39.000 rupiah in Pauline Boutique or around $2 online
Amount : 2,2 grams

This baby is rated 4,7/ 5 at Makeup Alley, which i think a very impressive rating leh.
Why so? Well, as a drugstore product i think it is pretty impressive.
Just scroll down below if you are curious tee hee~

I would describe the shade as straight pink with a hint of peach. 
The color reminds me of Revlon Glamorous Blush in Tawny Peach.
Hmm, not my favorite color, i prefer pink blush than peach. 
It is matte, no shimmer, and just perfect for natural everyday make up.

Screw Cap? Oh pleaseeee...

The packaging is pretty chic with a border of silver line and silver font. But it comes with a screw cap, Oh no! It is just incovenient to swirl and then swirl back everytime i want to use it. I do think flip cap will serve the purpose better

Screw Cap

Smooth but tough to blend ^.^

The color is flattering for fair to medium skintone, but if you have darker skintone the blush might not show up for you. In terms of application, i find it very smooth, not powdery and not that chalky. Buidable but i need to work my tail off to blend the blush. My favorite way to apply this blush on is with a flat top brush concentrating on the apple of the cheek. I find it easier to apply the blush this way.

Stay true and pigmented

The color stay true for hours, five hours lha before it starts to fade. I think it is a good record for a drugstore product. You just need one swipe and my cheeks are already colored. What should i say, pigmented!



I would say this is a great buy. The quality is good and affordable. The only downside i can think of is the swirl cap. If you love matte blush then i think this will suit your need, when you want to have a little sheen, you can also mix the blush with shimmering powder.

Rating 4/5


Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Green China doll Make Up

So, this is my take  on trying tutorial by Pygmalion land.
It is an easypeasy - fresh looking tutorial.
For a complete read, click here

I love how this make up tutorial looks great on M
and I decide to try this too

On M
On me

Alalala look so different! 
hahaha i think i fail the look, sorry M.
I will keep trying though! *pinky promise

So to make up the fail, i put more eyeshadows and falsies.
Well, after improvisation here and there
This is how i look

For more tutorials, you can always follow Pygmalionland like i do.
Moreover, M now is holding amazing giveaway!

Just do a sweepstake, follow the blog, join the giveaway and enjoy the tutorial and review.
Hahaha good advice!

Okay, that is my beauty diary today
See you next time
