Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Fred Bidwell wows crowd at PGH Photo Fair Speaker Series #4

Fred Bidwell put all of his experience as an advertising exec to good use last Wednesday night as he gave a polished, funny, engaging and informative talk in the auditorium of the Warhol Museum. Sorry to say, his lovely wife Laura was not with him as she had broken her wrist earlier in the week after slipping on the floor at O'Hare airport. Her bright, open spirit was missed, but Fred came through in a big way.

Starting with his genesis as a collector -- including showing a Polaroid portrait of him done by Walker Evans back in the day -- and finishing up outlining the new Bidwell exhibition space, "The Transformer Station", Fred covered many of the important questions asked about collecting and collectors in today's market. Always self-effacing, but direct and factual, it was a treat to hear Fred's views about art in Pittsburgh for the first time.

Thank you Fred Bidwell for making the evening the success that it was, and thank you to the Warhol for hosting our nearly full house in its beautiful auditorium. Next up is NYC artist/collector/curator, David Howe also speaking at the Warhol on April 10th. Remember, the talks are the 2nd Wednesday of every month until the PGH Photo Fair in May!

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