Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

A Lovely Reunion

My Little Reunion
                Since 2007, I have been a part of AFS Chapter Surabaya organization. Here, I find great people with a great thinking. From this organization also, I attained a YES program scholarship to United States. Through this organization I have learned a lot of things, and able to share my life with others. When I glance back to 2007, when I started to join this organization, it was mere because I wanted to get the program. I didn’t know about volunteerism and I have no idea that my life was about to be colorful. Colorful with genuine friendship and love.

The best part about joing AFS is friendship. I have bestiest all around the world, and also here in Surabaya. 

                Several years has passed, we have been growing up. Each of us pursue our own dream. Aini, pursues her dream to learn Korean Literature in University of Indonesia. At first she was studying biology in University of Airlangga, when her past choice didn’t met her heart she bravely said and decided to took Korean Literature. Now, she excels at her study and she has such a high merit. I kindly admire her bravery to pursue her happiness. Putri, a.k.a. Puchenk is currently studying International Relation at Brawijaya University. Putri has such a strong heart and courage to maintain her love that is in United States. They met when Putri was in a program, and they continue to fall in love until now. Even when distance keeps them apart. Besides her succesful and courageous love story, she also excels in her study. This week she is in South Korea to attend Model United Nations. Good luck, Put!
                 Sinta is such a humble woman. She is very kind and consistent. When she was in the program, she was hosted in Switzerland. Came back to her own country, she didn’t stay quiet. She has been active in developing our organization AFS Chapter surabaya. She facilitates foreign exchange students to study here. Several months ago, she also got another program to study in America. So proud of her. If you want to read her story, go to her blog here. Putra is studying in Airlangga University majoring in International Relations just like Sinta. He has “style”, he loves 9gags, and also very humourist. After he is back from USA, he also come back to our chapter and volunteer as a sending program staff. Ika, is a hardworking girl. Check put her life story here J.  Nurina, Norma, Rizki, Adit, Sugeng, Diah and Ari are also my besties. They all have great life story and I believe that they are still pursuing their dreams even now. I miss you all guys!
                So, last Saturday we finally got a chance to meet. Eventhough not everybody, but it was already enough to catch up on each other. We met in Mc. D. hehehe, such a convenient place to meet! Here are our pics

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